Serhii Avdieiev
Frontend developer
Angular developer
React developer
Information technology specialist with extensive experience in front-end development.
My wide professional skills help me solve extremely complex technological issues of development, constantly improving my skills on my own and commercial projects.
A specialist with more than sixteen years of diverse experience in the software development domain. My main working stack: JavaScript, Typescript, NextJS, React, Redux, Angular, KnockoutJS, CSS-in-JS and Magento stack
When I write the code, I try to optimize it and test the new functionality for myself like so to relieve QA engineers of unnecessary routine checks. I have mentoring experience, namely, I worked with a small group of junior front-end developers and helped them solve problematic issues related to project setup, explained them main concepts of the JavaScript programming language. In total, more than 50 projects from scratch of varying complexity have been implemented, as well as 20 projects with support.
I have a lot of experience working with SCRAM methodology with teams of various complexity, from 4 peoplein a team to 20. I have an IC Agile certificate.
I am an experienced, highly motivated professional with a persistent habit of self-improvement and a thirst for learning modern technologies.
Best IT industry practices believer and follower: CI/CD, Code Review, Quality Control
Led DEV team of 5 members, driving task management, code review, and quality control
Strong and substantial expertise in the Quality Assurance domain
Constantly gaining new skills and apply them on my side-projects
A good managerial background that allows me to act independently in accordance with project goals
tools & technologies
Front End
JavaScript (EcmaScript 6+), Typescript, NextJS, React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Angular, EmberJS, VueJS, VueStorefront, Hygraph, GraphQL, Grunt / Gulp / Webpack / Vite, jQuery
Tailwind, Styled Components, SASS/SCSS/LESS, Emotion, Styled JSX, CSS modules, CSS 3, CSS-in-JS
Component libraries
Material UI, Tailwind UI, Theme UI, Flowbite
Bootstrap, Boilerplate, Leaflet
AWS, Docker/Devilbox, Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, Vercel, LAMP-stack, Microsoft Azure, Elastic Search / Open Search
Back End
PHP, Python, MYSQL, Express, NestJS, Mongoose, Prisma, NodeJS, Camunda
Domain knowledge
JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, SASS/SCSS/LESS, Network protocols, HTTP, REST, Graph QL, GraphCommerce, SQL, Unix-based systems, cloud-based systems, client-server architecture, Version Control Systems (git/svn/mercurial)
Tools for design and HTML markup
Photoshop, illustrator, Zeplin, inVision, Avocode, Figma, Adobe XD
Management tools
Jira, Confluence, Test Rail, Spira-Team, Rally, Trello, Wrike, Redmine, Basecamp
Additional developer tools
Google Page Speed Insights, Google Search Console, Google Analytics
storybook, redux toolkit, react-modal, reakit, react-hook-form, react-query, react-slick, clsx, prop-types, eslint, jest, lodash, yup, you-phone, zod, formik, polished, thunk, fetch, express
Utilities for working with icons and fonts
Fontello, FontAwesome
2002 - 2006
Mykolayiv High School 21
Specialization: Programmer - engineer. Bachelor diploma.
2006 - 2009
Black Sea State University named after Petro Mohyla
Specialization: Intelligent decision-making systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Specialist diploma.
2022 - 2024

Senior Angular Developer
Development of new functionality of the the application, estimation time of development/improvement of new functionality, discussion of tasks, testing, debugging.
Technical analysis of the complexity of tasks, grooming sessions, working with the Agile team
Work with complex functional, technical, architectural requirements
Support the development of other team members through participation in code reviews, pair activities and mentoring
Writing and updating the technical documentation of the project
Mentoring and coaching junior team members
Implemented many new functionalities for better user experience
Managed the migration of the product to the Angular framework
Familiarized with and understood the Camunda management system - a platform for automationthe work process and decision-making.
2021 - 2022

Senior Front-End Developer
Support the existing projects, implementation of code improvements, as well as implementation of the client's wishes into the project.
Feature development, product analysis, testing, and debugging
Working with complex functional, technical, architectural requirements and their implementation in architectural specifications
Support the development of other team members through participation in code reviews, paired activities and mentoring
Writing and updating the technical documentation of the project
Mentoring and coaching junior team members
Worked simultaneously on 3 projects.
Support existing projects, implemented client`s wishes.
2019 - 2020

Senior Magento Front-End Developer
Participate in product development at all stages, attend all scheduled meetings according to the project, perform assessment, design and development of new functionality
Contribute to product quality, i.e. conduct code reviews, document new functionality and processes, test the code after completing the task
Worked as Frontend Team Lead, did code reviews of other developers to identify bad ones written code; updated already existing libraries to the latest versions, optimized old code to speed up the site and improve the user experience
2017 - 2019

Senior Magento Front-End Developer
Research and Code Development
Work in an agile team
Development and support of the CI/CD process
Product quality assurance: development of modular, integration tests
Working with APIs. Gained experience in integration with third-party services via API, including working with RESTful and GraphQL APIs.
Worked as Frontend Team Lead, did code reviews of other developers to identify bad written code
Completed Agile training and received the ICAgile Certified Professional certificate.
2015 - 2016

Middle Full-Stack Developer
Maintain existing and development of new functionality of the portal, which consists of 6 separate sites.
Participation in daily meetings related to portal improvements.
Adaptive and responsive versions development of 6 main sites of the portal
Ensuring the quality of product functioning.
I have increased performance indicators for all portal sites to 95 points using such a tool as Page Speed Insights.
Redesigned 6 portal sites from tabular layout to modern approaches to page layout.
For the first time in my professional career, I have took the job of supporting the portal backend part and worked as a Full-Stack developer.
During my work on the project, I have increased my knowledges level of server technologies, such as PHP, MySql, Docker Engine, and also saved the company's resources for hiring an additional backend-developer.
2012 - 2015

Front-End Developer
Development and continuous improvement of the code quality assurance process
Project management and task delivery control
Version Control: Gained experience with version control systems such as Git, SVN, Mercurial for code collaboration and change tracking.
Semantic HTML. Using semantic HTML tags and attributes to improve accessibility and SEO optimization of web pages.
Testing own code. Acquired practical skills in creating and executing tests to determine code quality and early detection of errors.
Web analytics. Learned to understand website analytics using tools, such as Google Analytics.
2007 - 2012
Front-End Developer
Collaboration with UI/UX designers to discuss the technical feasibility of implementing the necessary visual components to the site.
Estimation, tasks prioritization
Participation in scrum meetings to represent the front-end development team
Development of responsive and adaptive designs. Achievements in the creation of web pages, that display properly on different devices, different web browsers and screen resolutions
Using HTML/CSS/JavaScript technologies. Knowledge and ability to work with basic web development technologies to create functional and attractive interfaces.
Performance optimization. Namely the ability to reduce web pages load times and improve performance by caching, compressing files, using so-called SVG-sprites, CSS-sprites, iconic fonts and other methods, taking into account the recommendations from Google Page Speed.
Description: Researching Progressive Web Application (PWA) technologies stack. Setting up server environment for running application. Setting up Magento Backend and Magento PWA Studio, creating GraphQL queries to obtain data from the backend side and rendering data on the frontend side, creating new custom PWA components on-demand to meet the client's needs for final product. Maintaining product stability after release on production server.
Tech stack: Headless Magento, Magento PWA Studio, React, GraphQL, Apollo Server
Description: Researching Progressive Web Application (PWA) technologies stack. Setting up server environment for running application. Setting up Magento Backend and Magento PWA Studio, creating GraphQL queries to obtain data from the backend side and rendering data on the frontend side, creating new custom PWA components on-demand to meet the client's needs for final product. Maintaining product stability after release on production server.
Tech stack: Headless Magento, Magento PWA Studio, React, GraphQL, Apollo Server
Description: The engagement game similar to classic epic game about Mario Brothers, overcoming obstacles. The client starts game to collect all the game coins, and then he will be able to spend collected coins for shopping in e-store.
Tech stack: PhaserJS engine, TypeScript
Description: Working with UI/UX designer to create layouts for full-featured photo gallery with ability for customer to add, edit, remove, share their own photos with anyone and save all the history of photo.
Tech stack: AngularJS, Gitlab Ci/CD
Description: Working as a Full-Stack Developer. The biggest and oldest news portal. As a developer I have redesigned a whole portal ( consists of 6 sites ) from table layout adapted for old browsers to modern ones, using modern approach in mark-up with flex and grid blocks
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, Javascript, mySQL
Description: About G.A. Precision - Professional Quality Rifles and Equipment. As a developer I have developed new theme from scratch based on Magento Luma theme and styled additional third-party Magento modules. Made custom Javascript layout for checkout page.
Tech stack: Magento, Grunt, jQuery, knockoutJS, less, requireJS, mysql, elasticsearch
Description: About project: The Swiss vault of fine and rare Wines. Team I worked with consisted of 10 team members (2 FE, 3 BE, 3 QA, 1 PM, 1 BA). The most challengeable project for me as I have developed a lot of custom project-specified modules that allow end customers to collect all their bought wines in the cellars and then customer can consume wine from a tube and save wine state in the customer account dashboard.
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, knockoutJS, less, requireJS, mysql, elasticsearch
Description: Kmiyat platform is designed to be the largest platform in the Arab world for wholesale low-cost and focuses on providing all services that help wholesalers to reach more customers and raise sales volumes, in addition to reducing the costs of business operations with buyers and not take any ratios or amounts on direct sales between Traders and buyers. I have developed the entire front-end part of the project inclusively with an Arabic version.
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, knockoutJS, less, requireJS, mysql, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, knockoutJS, less, requireJS, mysql, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD, Wrike
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD
Tech stack: Magento, Magento CLI, Grunt, jQuery, Devilbox (Docker), knockoutJS, less, requireJS, phpMyAdmin, elasticsearch, Gitlab CI/CD
Tech stack: Magento 1, xml, css, html, mooTools
Tech stack: PHP, less, HTML5, javascript
Tech stack: PHP, less, HTML5, javascript
Tech stack: PHP, SASS, HTML5, javascript
Tech stack: PHP, CSS3, HTML5, javascript
Tech stack: PHP, Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, Zeplin app
Tech stack: PHP, Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, Zeplin app
Tech stack: PHP/Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, figma app
Tech stack: PHP/Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, AdobeXD app
Tech stack: PHP/Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, Figma app
Tech stack: PHP/Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, Figma app
Tech stack: PHP/Wordpress, CSS3, HTML5, javascript, Figma app
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, javascript, Figma App
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, javascript, Figma App
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, javascript, Figma App
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, Javascript, Adobe XD
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, javascript, AdobeXD
Tech stack: PHP, html5, css3, javascript, Adobe XD